Level 3 Certification: Solution Design

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Certification Overview: This level 3 certification assesses your ability to design and build a solution using Pyramid based on a specific use case. Your Pyramid knowledge and skills will be tested, ranging from translating the use case requirements to a data flow; building a subsequent model and training the model in order to create an effective Dashboard and Publication; utilising multiple Discover Objects. You will therefore be drawing upon your skills and knowledge across the following Pyramid modules:

Certification pre-requisites: In order to access this certification you must have completed the Level 2 Professional Certification. This use case also draws upon predictive modeling concepts. If you are unfamiliar with testing and training models, or have a limited data science background, we strongly suggest you first complete the Predictive Modeling Use Case to gain more understanding around these topics.

Below are the steps you should follow in order to successfully complete the Level 3 Solution Design certification and present your solution to a panel of Pyramid consultants via a live online session.

Step 1) Register: You must be logged into a Learning Hub account in order take this certification. If you do not have one please register here. Once logged in, click ‘take this course’ above to enrol onto the Level 3 Certification.

Step 2) Download data files: Below you can download the data files necessary to build your solution, as well as any visual materials necessary for your Dashboard (Logos, imagery etc). These can be found under the ‘Certification Resources’ section below. You must be logged into your Learning Hub account to access these resources.

Step 3) Download Use Case brief: You will need to download the use case PDF in order to understand the requirements for your solution, you can find this download under the ‘Certification Resources’ section below. This PDF will also include guidance on the scoring system. You must be logged into your Learning Hub account to access the below resources.

Step 4) Build your solution on allocated training server: Now you can start to build your solution inside the Pyramid environment provided to you via email, following the use case documentation provided below. You must work on the Pyramid environment provided to you in the email that you receive after enrolling. If you have any issues, please contact: learninghub@pyramidanalytics.com

Step 5) Book assessment: From the events page, you can book a slot to present your Level 3 Solution Design. These slots are regularly occurring but are limited in number, so make sure to book your place. You will then be emailed a link for your desired time and date. Please note, due to high demand there may be a varying waiting period for a slot, so please book in advance of when you would like to present your solution.

Step 6) Complete pre-assessment test: Before attending your assessment slot, you must complete the questions located at the bottom of this course page, you can attempt this assessment at any time, but we recommend you do this once you have completed your solution in the Pyramid environment as some of the questions are linked to the completed solution. Your score from these questions, plus the grade you receive from your live presentation will both contribute to your overall pass mark for this certification.

Step 7) Complete in-person assessment: Your certification solution is graded based on successful completion of the assessment and fulfilment of the use case requirements outlined in the documentation. After presenting your solution during the slot you booked in step 5, you will receive personalised feedback by a panel of Pyramid consultants; and your results will be confirmed shortly after. Each submission is evaluated on a case by case basis, and your explanation of your approach during the presentation is also considered when calculating your overall grading. Further information on the scoring criteria for the solution is outlined in the use case PDF.

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